About Me

Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS)

I am currently an assistant professor (researcher) at ICT, CAS. I received my Ph.D. degree from ICT, CAS / University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in 2024, advised by Prof. Gaogang Xie and Prof. Zhenyu Li, and my B.S. degree in Computer Science from Hunan University (HNU) in 2016.

Research Interest: Video streaming (e.g. adaptive streaming, low-latency streaming), Network protocol (e.g. multipath transmission, rate control), Cross-layer network system, Data-driven optimization, Internet measurements.

[Tech Blog (In Chinese)]

Recent News

  • [2024-06] 🎓 I received my Ph.D. degree from ICT, CAS / UCAS.
  • [2024-04] 🏆 Paper JitBright won the Best Paper Award at ACM NOSSDAV 2024.
  • [2024-03] 🏆 Our team Schaferct won the 1st place in ACM MMSys ’24 Grand Challenge.
  • [2024-03] 📃 Paper accepted to ACM MMSys 2024.
  • [2024-03] 📃 Paper JitBright accepted to ACM NOSSDAV 2024.
  • [2023-11] 📃 Paper Chorus accepted to ACM MobiCom 2024.



Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Ph.D. Graduates of Beijing (北京市优秀博士毕业生), 2024
  • Outstanding Ph.D. Graduates in UCAS, 2024
  • Best Paper Award at ACM NOSSDAV 2024
  • First Place in MMSys ’24 Grand Challenge on Offline RL for Bandwidth Estimation in RTC, 2024
  • National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, UCAS, 2023
  • Third Prize in Global AI Transmission Competition (AITrans), 2019
    4/138, Rank 2nd in real-world evaluations
  • First Class Academic Scholarship, UCAS, 2019
  • Outstanding B.S. Graduates of Hunan (湖南省优秀本科毕业生), 2016
  • Outstanding B.S. Graduates in HNU, 2016
  • National Scholarship for Undergraduates (1/111), HNU, 2015


  • Multipath adaptive video streaming
    @ GuoMeng Studio, Beijing, China, 2023-12-10 (Event)
    @ BiliBili, Beijing, China, 2023-10-31
    @ Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2023-09-02
    @ Huawei, Beijing, China, 2023-01-13

  • Throughput prediction for adaptive streaming
    @ BiliBili, Beijing, China, 2023-02-07
    @ Alibaba, Hangzhou, China, 2021-08-02

  • QoE optimization for low-latency live streaming
    @ Tencent, Beijing, China, 2019-12-02


  • Alibaba (Taotian), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2021 - Sep. 2022
    Research Intern @ Network Technology Team
    Mentor: Ms. Yanmei Liu

Teaching Experiences

  • Teaching Assistant, Computer Network, UCAS
    Fall 2019, Fall 2023 (Slides)
    Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Qinghua Wu

Technical Impacts

  • Patent CN116436865A (part of Chorus [MobiCom ’24]) is used in Taobao’s RPC system (XQUIC) to control multipath reinjection. XQUIC
  • One of my tech blogs ranked #1 in Google search results for “DASH标准” (2024-01-09).
  • One of my tech blogs ranked #1 in Baidu search results for “DASH视频” (2023-05-01).